8 alternateIdentifier

Definition: a metadata schema block containing alternative local or global identifiers.

Requirement: optional

Occurrence: 0-n

Note: RAiDs should avoid duplicating existing PIDs whenever possible.

Example JSON

8.1 alternateIdentifier.id

Definition: an identifier other than the primary identifier applied to the project or activity. This identifier may be any alphanumeric string that is unique within its domain of issue, for example a local identifier. The AlternateIdentifier represents an additional identifier for the same instance of the project or activity.

Requirement: mandatory for each alternateIdentifier supplied

Occurrence: 0-1

Allowed values: free text

Example: ‘123456ABC’

8.2 alternateIdentifier.type

Definition: free text description of the type of alternateIdentifier supplied.

Requirement: mandatory for each alternateIdentifier.id supplied

Occurrence: 0-1

Allowed values: free text

Example: ‘a local project ID in Elsevier Pure’