1 Identifier block
1.1 identifier.id
Definition: A unique string that identifies a Research Activity Identifier (RAiD); RAiD name.
Requirement: Mandatory
Occurence: 1
Allowed values: A RAiD name registered by a RAiD Registration Agency expressed as an actionable URL.
Format: https://raid.org/prefix/suffix
Example: https://raid.org/10.12345/abc123
Contraints: RAiD name prefix supplied by the DOI Foundation; RAiD name suffix consisting of alphanumeric, English, ASCII Latin characters
Note: RAiD names are valid DOIs and can also be resolved at https://doi.org/ or https://handle.net/.
1.1a identifier.schemeURI
Definition: The URI of the Identifier scheme used to identify RAiDs.
Requirement: Mandatory
Occurence: 1
Allowed values: Controlled list
Note: This property declares that the Identifier is a RAiD, declaring it resolvable at https://raid.org/; this property is set as a default in all installations of the RAiD Service software.
1.2 identifier.registrationAgency
Definition: The Research Organization Registry (ROR) of the RAiD Registration Agency that minted the RAiD.
Requirement: Mandatory
Occurence: 1
Allowed values: Controlled list
[The Australian Research Data Commons]https://ror.org/009vhk114
Note: Registration Agencies must have, acquire, or be assigned RORs. The Registration Agency identifier must be set as a default in each installation of the RAiD Service software. The Registration Authority maintains the list of Registration Agencies.
1.2a identifier.registrationAgency.schemeURI
Definition: The URI of the Identifier scheme used to identify RAiD Registration Agencies.
Requirement: Mandatory
Occurence: 1
Allowed values: Controlled list
Note: This property is set as a default in all installations of the RAiD Service software.
1.3 identifier.owner
Definition: The Research Organization Registry (ROR) of the legal entity responsible for the RAiD; the ‘Owner’ of a RAiD. Analogous to a DataCite ‘Member’, the Owner has a legal agreement with its Registration Agency.
Requirement: Mandatory
Occurence: 1
Allowed values: Controlled list of Owners maintained by each Registration Agency
[University of Queensland]https://ror.org/02stey378
[University of Notre Dame Austraila]https://ror.org/03pnv4752
[Queensland University of Technology]
Note: Owners, i.e., Organisations hosting Service Points, must have, acquire, or be assigned RORs. A RAiD minted by a Registration Agency must be associated with an Owner affiliated with that Agency.
1.3a identifier.owner.schemeURI
Definition: The URI of the Identifier scheme used to identify RAiD Owners.
Requirement: Mandatory
Occurence: 1
Allowed values: Controlled list
Note: This property is set as a default in all installations of the RAiD Service software.
1.4 identifier.servicePoint
Definition: The Service Point (SP) that requested the RAiD. Analogous to a DataCite ‘Repository’. RAiD Owners can have multiple SPs, and SPs do not need to be legal entities.
Requirement: Mandatory
Occurence: 1
Allowed values: Controlled list of Service Points maintained by each Registration Agency
Queensland University of Technology - Research Infrastructure
UQ Centre for Advanced Imaging
The University of Notre Dame Australia
Note: A RAiD minted by a Registration Agency must have a SP associated with an Owner affiliated with that Agency.
1.5 identifier.license
Definition: The licence under which the RAiD Metadata Record associated with this Identifier has been issued.
Requirement: Mandatory
Occurence: 1
Allowed values: Controlled list
Creative Commons CC-0
Note: All RAiD metadata is available on a ‘no rights reserverd’ basis.
1.6 identifier.version
Definition: The version number of the RAiD.
Requirement: Mandatory
Occurence: 1
Allowed values: Auto-incrementing integer
Note: The RAiD version number is set automatically by the RAiD Service software as a RAiD is updated.